Rules FAQ

How and where do I appeal my punishment?

You don't have the chance to appeal any punishments provided by Staff. Once you're banned the ban is permanent and it stays like that. We have strict rules and we expect everyone to be mature enough to follow them.

However, if you're found being banned by accident or fault you'll be unbanned as soon as possible. For those possible inconveniences we apologize in advance.

Until banned on Discord server you can also consult with staff team via opening a ticket. But usually we stand strongly behind our actions.

How do I report a player breaking the rules?

You can report a rule breaker through support tickets in Discord. You do not have to wait for staff to reply here, instead provide as much evidence as you have of the player and which rules are broken from the list above.

Every report is confidential and no one will never know who and why it was made. Your reports are safe with us.

Who is a player and who does above rules apply to?

Everyone playing on LightRealms SMP or anyone part of our discord server is a player regardless of rank.

How do I make a suggestion for the rules?

If you have any ideas or concerns regarding to the rules above, you can suggest it via Discord in the #suggestions channel. We are checking suggestions frequently and take every one of them into consideration. We always reply accordingly to our decisions and team votes.

Who are server staff?

Anyone who holds the Server Admin, Server Helper, Event Coordinator is considered server staff. Plugin, web and bot developers are not server staff although they may have access to support tickets so they can use your feedback to improve their plugins, bots etc.

Last updated